Barevalue Blog

Putting yourself out in the open is always a challenging task. It takes a lot of guts, determination, and courage to envision an idea and put it out for the world to view and critique. The era of digitalization has given rise to new peaks of competition. Individuals and brands need to make themselves discoverable online. One of the ways to do so is by launching a podcast. Over 33% of Americans are regular podcast listeners. It is easy to reach your audience as it does not need too much attention and can be heard while multitasking.

It may not be easy to start a podcast with no audience. Since there is no one to give you feedback and advice, you must decide for yourself. While it may seem intimidating, it can be done using the tips listed below.

Tips to start a podcast with no audience:

1. Find an idea

The first step to podcasting is finding an idea. Podcasting appears to be a simple task that only requires recording the audio, podcast editing, and posting. If you think so, you would be wrong. Most people who wish to make podcasts enthusiastically set up equipment only to realize that they do not have a topic to talk about.

It must be a topic you are well aware of and have a unique opinion on to add value to the listeners. Usually, podcast ideas come naturally. The easiest way to find an idea is to listen to podcasts that interest you. Understand their methodology and how they present their views. This will help identify gaps that are opportunities for you to explore.

2. Find a niche

Hundreds of podcasts are launched daily. You cant create a unique podcast on a topic that has never been done before. So, what you can do is find a niche. Well, out of the thousands of sports podcasts, you can cover specific ones and provide insight from a perspective that other podcasts don’t.

Identify the audience you wish to target and what interests them. If you wish to make a sports podcast for younger listeners, aim to make trendy comparisons relevant to the present lingo while sticking to your content. Your podcast should draw in listeners, so it is only obvious to think from their perspective.

3. Use social media marketing

Social media may seem like a fancy thing only youngsters can do. But it is not very challenging to do, irrespective of age. All you need is an understanding of the value your podcast provides.

Social media allows you to share content across various platforms, which helps reach a larger audience. Once you have a few episodes recorded and a name, logo, and vision for the podcast, you are ready to market your podcast.

You don’t need to hire an expert. Using the pre-decided details, make a profile for the podcast or, using your existing accounts on any networking site, regularly post updates of podcast releases. It will help generate interest in your podcast and grow its reach.

4. Script your episodes

As you are new to podcasts, you may have difficulty getting used to the format. To save time and resources, instead of recording impromptu, take out some time to script your podcast.

This will help you gather your thoughts and frame them compactly to save your time and your listener’s time. After all, who likes listening to a repetitive podcast?

5. Look for collaboration opportunities

Collaborations help produce some of the best works, and the same applies to podcasts. Collaborations help creators grow their reach and include the other podcast’s listeners in their audience.

It will also help you understand podcasting better and generate better work and enhance the quality of your podcast.

6. Create a website for the podcast

Websites may seem old school, but they can play a significant role in increasing your audience. The more places you can host your podcast, the more people it will be accessible to. You can post exclusive updates and host merchandise launches on your website while providing access to transcripts of episodes.

It makes your content accessible to a greater audience and does not require listening. If your transcripts contain relevant terms, they will reach people searching for them, which can further result in the redirection of traffic to your podcast.

7. Host your podcast on popular platforms

you can choose to host your podcast on your website or on popular streaming sites. We recommend doing both. Some podcast platforms are paid, but it is an expense that can grow your podcast exponentially.

If you host your podcast on your website alone, your listeners will only include only those who search for it. Using large platforms makes your podcast easily discoverable to potential audiences who have similar interests.

8. Consistent uploads

Do you notice yourself turning on your favorite network on the TV on time, even on days when it does;t air? That is because you are habituated to their consistent uploads.

It is essential to post episodes consistently to grow a loyal audience. In case of delays, you must keep them informed using other platforms to take accountability and responsibility.

9. Use the right equipment

The right tools can make or break a project. To record your audio or video podcast, you must have the right microphones and editing software. Ensure that your microphones are placed at a good distance to catch your voice without making it sound too close.

There are several editing platforms to play around with, which can help edit episodes. A quiet
environment is essential to generate audio that can be edited. Your equipment does have to be fancy and expensive; it only needs to be easy to work with.


Podcasting may seem challenging when you don’t have an existing audience. Building an audience is a time taking process that requires patience. Producing quality content that listeners cannot find elsewhere will ensure a loyal audience. Starting with less or no listeners is a great opportunity to explore and experiment with ideas and develop the best podcast.

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